EarthForests Network

Forests are Key to Climate, Water, Health, and Livelihoods.

EarthForests - One Tree, One Forest, One Earth

Our vision is for Humanity to become a mature steward and responsible

caretaker of forests and worldwide ecosystems.

Humanity must respect and work with nature. 

When the "Arctic jet stream has broken down", it means the fast-moving air current high in the atmosphere above the Arctic has become significantly disrupted, often leading to a more wavy pattern, which can cause extreme weather events like prolonged heat waves, cold snaps, and heavy precipitation in mid-latitude regions due to the displacement of cold air from the polar region towards lower latitudes; this disruption is often linked to rapid Arctic warming, which reduces the temperature difference between the polar region and lower latitudes, impacting the jet stream's stability.

If you are a passionate forestry professional... join us and become a Founder.

The EarthForests Network is a network of world forest sites.

Earth Day, 22nd April 


Get Inspired. Take Action. Be a Part of the Green Revolution.

EARTHFORESTS.ORG NETWORK - Humanity must come to an understanding that the irresponsible use of the Earth for quick cheap capitalistic gain must end. We must optimize humanity's interface with the Earth. We have already damaged the Earth, the question is how much and can we restore it? The numbers and data are showing that the warming of the oceans is a very serious warning. As individuals do all you can, learn, and talk to family and friends. The simple fact is we may not change quickly enough, the Earth will change Humanity.

Immerse Yourself in a Forest for Better Health

Most of us sense that taking a walk in a forest is good for us. We take a break from the rush of our daily lives. We enjoy the beauty and peace of being in a natural setting. Learn to identify the varieties of trees and plant life. Listen to the sounds of the forest.  Enjoy forest birding,  listening and looking for the amazing varieties of avian species as you walk along the forest path.

Now, research is showing that visiting a forest has real, quantifiable health benefits, both mental and physical. Even five minutes around trees or in green spaces may improve health. Think of it as a prescription with no negative side effects that's also free!

EarthForests Network Organizations

AfricanForests AmazonForests  AsianForests AvianSociety BorealForests   

EuropeanForests NorthAmericanForests OceaniaForests RaptorSociety SouthAmericanForests   

One Tree, One Forest, One Earth